05 Nov What Are The First Words Jesus Says And What Do They Mean?
Picture this: the first words spoken by someone who would go on to change the world forever. These words are super important, revealing their purpose and giving a sneak peek at what’s to come. Here we are referring to what are the first words Jesus says and the meaning behind them. Jesus Christ, whose life and teachings have had a huge impact on human history, spoke his first words that are recorded in the 4 Gospels.
If we dive into these words throughout the Gospels, we get a glimpse into what the message was all about. Come along with me as we explore what are the first words jesus says. These words mark the beginning of Jesus’ divine story. Let’s get started.
Who is Jesus in the Gospels?
Before we jump into what Jesus said first, let’s take a quick look at the four Gospels that tell his story. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John each give us a different angle on Jesus’ life, showing him in various lights.
- Matthew focuses on Jesus being the Messiah and centers on what he taught.
- Mark shines a light on Jesus’ deeds and his role as a servant leader.
- Luke displays Jesus’ empathy and his strong connections with people.
- John shows Jesus as the Son of God on a special mission.
Even though they all present different aspects, all four Gospels agree on one thing: Jesus was a man on a mission—to teach, heal, and finally save. Just like the first stroke of paint on a canvas, Jesus’ first words show us his true purpose and heart.
What Are Jesus First Recorded Words in Each Gospel?
Each gospel catches a different moment of Jesus’ life and when he spoke for the first time. Thus each gives us a well-rounded view of his life and his work. So now let’s see what are the first words Jesus says according to each gospel separately.
1.Gospel of Luke (Age 12, in the Temple)
What are the first words Jesus says: ““Why were you searching for me? Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” (Luke 2:49).
When Did Jesus Says First Words?
One of the first stories about what Jesus said can be found in Luke. Picture Jesus as a twelve-year-old kid hanging out in the Temple, chatting with teachers and getting into some serious discussions. His folks, Mary and Joseph, have been worried sick for three days looking for him, and when they finally find him, Jesus coolly asks, “Why were you searching for me? Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” (Luke 2:49).
Significance Of Jesus First Words Here
That simple question really means a lot. Even back then, Jesus gets that he has a special bond with God, calling Him “Father.” It’s not just another family hangout; it’s a moment that shows what Jesus is all about—doing the work his dad, God, has set out for him. It’s like Jesus is saying, “I fit in here. I’m here for a bigger reason.” This early moment gives us a sneak peek into his life of service and commitment to God’s purpose.
2.Gospel of Mark (At His Baptism)
What are the first words jesus says: “The time has come. The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” (Mark 1:15).
When Did Jesus Say His First Words?
In the Gospel of Mark, the first words we hear from Jesus show up right at the start of his public ministry. After getting baptized, Jesus makes his entrance with an urgent message: “The time has come. The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” (Mark 1:15).
Significance of Jesus Saying His First Words
In this moment, Jesus’ message sets a strong vibe for what his ministry is all about, ringing out across generations as a call for change. He’s saying the kingdom is close, urging people to ditch their old habits and welcome a fresh way of living through faith. It’s a bold and straightforward invitation for transformation—a promise that change is more than possible, but right around the corner.
3.Gospel of Matthew (During the Sermon on the Mount)
What are the first words jesus says: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:3).
At What Time Did Jesus Say His First Words?
The Gospel of Matthew shares Jesus’ first words during the famous Sermon on the Mount. Right in front of a crowd, Jesus kicks things off with, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:3).
The Importance of Jesus’s First Words
With this statement, Jesus flips traditional thinking upside down. Instead of giving a shout-out to the powerful or the rich, he blesses those who are humble, who feel the strain of their limitations and their need for God. This intro to his sermon signals the start of a new way of life, a kingdom where spiritual richness comes from being humble and relying on God. Jesus’ words invite people to welcome a life filled with compassion, showing that in God’s kingdom, being real counts more than your social standing.
4.Gospel of John (Invitation to Discipleship)
What are the first words Jesus says: “What do you seek?”
At What Time Did Jesus Say His First Words?
In the Gospel of John, we see Jesus’ first words as he notices two of John the Baptist’s followers hanging around. He turns to them and asks, “What do you seek?” (John 1:38). It’s a really straightforward question, but it gets right to the point. Instead of kicking off with big speeches, Jesus prompts them to think about what they actually want.
Here What Is The Significance of the First Words of Jesus
His question is both personal and deep. It’s almost like Jesus is saying, “So, what are you really on the hunt for in life? Are you ready for what’s coming next?” This chill invitation makes us think, pushing every one of us to consider what we genuinely want in our own lives.
Why Do Jesus First Words Still Matter Today?
The first words of Jesus really stick with us because they sum up what He’s all about: purpose, compassion, and the call for us to change. But why do these old sayings still hit home in our modern lives?
- A Personal Invite to Search and Think: Firstly, when Jesus asks, “What do you seek?” It’s like he’s nudging us to think about what we want and the true meaning of our lives, pushing us to reflect on what really makes us happy.
- A Push for Inner Change: Secondly, his call to turn our lives around in Mark, “Repent and believe the good news!” is all about bettering ourselves and staying true, reminding us that real change starts from the inside.
- A Picture of a Different Kind of Kingdom: Thirdly, when Jesus says in the Sermon on the Mount, “Blessed are the poor in spirit,” it introduces a groundbreaking idea of a kingdom built on humility, kindness, and fairness, pushing us to be more compassionate and serve others.
- A Boost for Our Connection with God: Fourthly, when young Jesus says, “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” It shows His close bond with God, inviting us to get closer to the divine in our own lives.
- A Message of Hope and Strength: Finally, in a world full of uncertainty today, Jesus’ teachings encourage us to live with faith, patience, and love, reminding us that a life filled with compassion is truly meaningful.
What are the first words Jesus says differ as to which gospel and Jesus’s life stage you are referring to? However, the first words of Jesus are important because they invite us to think, grow in love, and adopt a vision of peace. Furthermore, they give us a solid base in a world that’s always changing. Ultimately, encouraging each of us to seek out a meaningful and faithful life. When we listen to his words, we hear a voice that calls us to truly live and feel loved.
- Do the first words of Jesus change between the Gospels?
Yes, indeed, the Gospels show different first words spoken by Jesus. For example, Luke shares his words as a child, while Mark focuses on adult life. Thus each emphasizes different parts of his life.
- What can we learn from the first words of Jesus?
The first words Jesus says show us how important it is to know our purpose. Also, they push us to look for God’s plan in our lives.
- Where can I check out more about the first words of Jesus?
You can find these stories in the Gospels of Luke and Mark in the New Testament. Additionally, for more in-depth info, you can check commentaries or theological discussions.
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