
how many ounces in a shot

How Many Ounces In A Shot: Get The Right Calculation Tips

If you’re new to cocktails, curious about how much you drank last night, or planning a booze party, then understanding ounce and shot measurements is essential. However, the size and measurement of shots vary from one region to another and do not have a standard calculation.

Although, to save you from the pathetic mathematics, we made this guide answering “how many ounces in a shot”. Therefore, we will cover everything in this blog post, including the methods of conversion, different shot sizes, origins, meanings, purpose, and more. 

Relation Between Ounce And Shots

Thus, before heading to “how many ounces in a shot,” let’s first learn about their relation and existence. Ounce and shot both primarily measure alcohol or other drinkable fluids as liquid measurement units.

In addition to this, a shot represents the serving size of any particular drink, whereas the ounce means a unit to calculate it. In abbreviations, people also call an ounce “oz.” Hence, both terms are metrics to get an idea about the appropriate amount of drink in a glass.

What Is The Standard Shot Size?

A shot basically means the amount of spirit in a drink. Thus, it may vary depending on the region you are drinking from as well as the size of shots you are consuming. Therefore, you can choose from different types of small and large shot sizes, including 1-ounce, 2-ounce, 3-ounce, and more.

However, according to the United States official statements in Code of Federal Regulations, there is almost 1.5 ounces in every shot glass. Hence, every bar and restaurant in this country uses the same measurement standards. But, this is not the case everywhere as the measurement varies in other countries depending on the shot’s standard size. 

Explore Shot Size In Different Countries

As already shared above, every country or region has their own standard shot size which they calculate either in milliliters or ounces. Thus, to give you a reference and glimpse of the same, we prepared a clear and crisp table covering the major details of it. Additionally, learning this will help you in calculating the answer of how many ounces are in a shot easily and quickly according to the place you are drinking at. 

S. No.
CountryOunce In A Shot Milliliters In A Shot 
1.Greece 1.52 ounce45 ml
2.Italy, Israel, and Japan 2.02 ounce 60 ml 
3.Ireland 1.2 ounce 35.5 ml 
4.Australia, Serbia, and India 1.01 ounce 30 ml 
5.Germany and Denmark 0.67 ounce 20 ml 
6. Poland, Sweden, and Finland1.35 ounce 40 ml 
7. Russia, Romania, and Bulgaria 1.69 ounce 50 ml 
8. United States 1.48 ounce 44 ml 
9. South Africa and United Kingdom 0.84 ounce 25 ml 
10. Canada 1.44 ounce 44 ml 

How Many Ounce In A Shot?

Every shot glass is different in size and thus contains a different amount of fluid. However, a standard or most likely used shot glass has around 1.5 ounces in it. In addition to this, to make your conversion from shot to ounce effortless and immediate, we made a table covering different amounts of shots and their ounce conversions. Thus, to learn about them and make your calculations fast, read the below shared table.  

S. No.Shots Ounce 
1.1 shot1.5 ounces 
2.2 shots3 ounces
3.4 shots6 ounces
4.6 shots9 ounces
5.8 shots12 ounces
6.10 shots15 ounces
7. 12 shots18 ounces
8.20 shots30 ounces
9. 30 shots45 ounces

Easy Conversion Of Shots To Ounce

Firstly, shot glasses and their measurements help in various matters, such as cooking, making appropriate drinks, controlling alcohol consumption, learning the limits of boozing, and more. However, the size of a shot is not universally definite as it varies at different locations. Over and above that, the standard size that most people consider is the presence of 1.5 ounces in a shot glass. Therefore, to learn the conversions of a shot to an ounce and vice versa, read the sections below. 

Shots To Ounce

Thus, as already shared above, a shot glass has 1.5 ounces of drink. Hence, to convert shots to ounces, you just need to multiply the number of shots by 1.5. To illustrate, an example for better understanding is as follows: 

Formula: Number of Shots x 1.5 = Ounces 

Therefore, if you have ten shots, the calculation for conversion in ounces will be: 

=>10 (number of shots) x 1.5 = 15 ounces

Ounce To Shots

Secondly, if you want to convert ounces into shots, then you simply need to divide the number of ounces by 1.5. To illustrate, an example of a clear understanding of the concept, math, and calculations are as follows: 

Formula: Number of ounces / 1.5 = Shots

Therefore, if you have 18 ounces and you want to convert them into shots, the calculation will be:

=> 18 (number of ounces) / 1.5 = 12 shots 

Note: To conclude, one shot equals to one and half ounces whereas one ounce is equal to two by three of a shot. 

Significance Of Ounce To Shots Measurements

In addition to the above sections, an appropriate calculation and conversion of an ounce to a shot and vice versa is very crucial from different points of view. Hence, to know about some of the most important and common ones, read the below-shared points:

  • Firstly, to give the right flavors and taste to the cocktails. 

  • Furthermore, for measuring the amount of right booze for yourself or the guests. 

  • Additionally, to make the drink intoxicated and keep the ABV (Alcohol By Volume) within limits only. 

  • Plus, for doing the right measurements of drinks to add to any recipe. 

  • Apart from this to be precise and professional, avoid over- or under-drinking of drinks. 


In this blog post, we briefly answered “How many ounces in a shot” and covered its various aspects. Ranging from these measuring units’ relation to standard size, we highlighted everything. Not only this, but also we talked about the different sizes of shots in different regions and methods to convert them from one unit to another.

Furthermore, we also discussed the importance of these liquid measurement units in day-to-day lifestyle, which might have given you a clear understanding of the topic. To conclude, I hope that all of your queries related to ounces and shots are resolved now. 


How much alcohol is present in a shot?

Therefore, a standard drink is supposed to contain 0.6 ounces of pure alcohol in it and not more than that. Thus, this metric is mentioned in the United States Government’s Code Of Federal Regulations. 

Does a double shot mean 2 ounces?

No, double shot does not mean 2 ounces as in each shot there is 1.5 ounce. Hence in double shot there will be 2 x 1.5 ounces, thus 3 ounces in total. 

What are the different shot sizes?

Thus, on the basis of ounce contents, there are three most common types of shot size. Therefore, it includes double shot (3 ounces), pony shots (1 ounce), and shooters (more than 3 ounces). 

How to measure shots?

Hence, to get the appropriate amount of shots, you can use three methods to measure it. Thus, it includes conversion into ounces, using a tablespoon, or pouring the shot into a measuring cup to get the right number. 

Which are the most popular shot recipes?

Therefore, people consider Chuck Norris, Purple Gatorade, Grim Reaper, Lemon Drop, and Moonshine Pickleback the most popular and delicious recipes that use shots as the main ingredient.

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