
How To Fold A Pocket Square

How To Fold A Pocket Square: 5 Easy and Unique Ways

Men do not have lots of different accessories to wear with different attires. However, they have some minimal things that not only go well with every outfit but also make them look sophisticated. Well, it is easy to fold a pocket square and use it as one of those things that enhance their overall look. Furthermore, this tiny piece of cloth adds liveliness to the dress and compliments the overall combination. Therefore, to make you more creative with this piece of cloth, we have made a complete guide answering “How to fold a pocket square.” This will help you add your own touch and customization to every suit or coat you wear in any event. 

What is a pocket square?

A pocket square is a rectangular piece of cloth designed to fit in the chest pocket of a man’s coat, shirt, or jacket. It is way different from a handkerchief and also has different purposes than that. In addition, it is not that difficult to fold a pocket square and it is meant to peek from the upper pocket. Hence, it adds a visual attraction point to the overall outfit. Moreover, manufacturers usually make these small pieces of men’s accessories from nonabsorbent materials such as silk, linen, and hosiery. 

Impact of a Pocket Square on Your Outfit

Each styling idea and its element has an important role in enhancing the look of an individual. Therefore, the role and significance of pocket square in this matter are as follows:

  • It adds a new color and vibrance to your upper fit. 
  • Supports in complementing the shirt and necktie you are wearing. 
  • Make sure to give a touch of personalization to the outfit. 
  • Have the tendency to make or break the sophistication of dress. 
  • Act as one of the cost-effective yet elegant accessories for men.
  • Allow you to wear the same coat or suit in different styles. 

Now that you understand its impact on your outfit, you must start learning about how to fold a pocket square and complete your attire.

5 Stylish Ways to Fold a Pocket Square

You can easily fold a pocket square and use it to add more personalization and statement in an outfit. Hence the 5 best ways to fold it according to your ease, event demands, and other factors are mentioned below. So, have a look at them one by one: 

Fold a flat pocket square style

If you are about to wear a tuxedo, match it best with a flat pocket square made of linen. It will add a touch of perfection and overall balance to your fit. The steps for this pocket square fold are as follows:

  1. First of all, put your pocket square on a hard, leveled, and flat surface. 
  2.  Now, make a vertical rectangle by folding the right side over the left side. Make sure it is equal and the corners meet each other. 
  3. Once done, fold the bottom to the top edge to minimize the size of the square. 
  4. Finally, tuck and adjust the pocket square making sure that the edges are horizontal, straight, and look smooth as well as professional.

All these steps will teach you about folding a flat pocket square. Now, you must move on to the next section and learn about how you can fold a pocket square in a one-point style.

Fold a pocket square in a one-point style

Ranging from tuxes to sport coats, the one-point pocket square goes well with every style. It has just one crisp corner popping out of the pocket that looks very stylish. Thus, for folding pocket squares in this style, the steps are mentioned below: 

  1. Like always, place the pocket square on a flat and leveled surface. Make sure that its corners are facing in all four directions that are top, bottom, left, and right. 
  2. Once you get the diamond position of the square, fold the bottom edge to the top. Thus, this will half the square and give you a triangle. 
  3. Now, imagine the two thirds of the triangle’s base and fold the left corner to right. 
  4. After that, take the right corner and fold it to the new left edge. 
  5. At last, tuck the square carefully in the pocket making sure the point looks clean. And you are done with one of the best pocket square folds. 

By following these steps, you will successfully be able to fold a pocket square in a one-point style. Now go through the next section section to see how you can do it in two point style.

Fold a pocket square in two-point style

As the name says, it is a one-step-ahead version of the one-point square fold. Thus, it looks amazing on casual wear. Hence, the steps for preparing the same in the easiest way are as follows:

  1. First, put the pocket square on a clean and flat surface. Make sure to keep the edges in such a way that the square gets the diamond shape. 
  2. Now, do not stress about matching the corners and roughly fold the bottom edge to the top. While doing this, make sure that one edge is slightly left to another after folding upwards. 
  3. Now, get an idea about the two-thirds of the base and fold the left corner to the right. 
  4. Once done, take the right edge and match it with the new left point. 
  5. Finally, hold it carefully and tuck it inside your breast pocket.

These steps will help you to easily fold a pocket square in no time. Keep reading this article to learn about how you can do it in three point style.

Fold a pocket square in three point style

You can fold a pocket square in a three-peak that looks tremendous on bright and light-colored coats or suits. Hence, it gives a more casual yet formal touch to the attire. Therefore, the steps to make it are as follows:

  1.  Begin with placing the square pocket on a flat and hard surface. The shape of the cloth or position of the edges should look like a diamond. 
  2. Now, hold the bottom tip to match the top edge correctly. 
  3. Once done, take the left edge and fold it to the top right, making a second peak. 
  4. Similarly, take the right corner and fold it to the top left, making the third peak. 
  5. Finally, carry it carefully and tuck it inside your pocket. Make sure to check the three points and adjust the length accordingly. 

Fold a pocket square in winged puff style

This is one of the most versatile pocket square folds. Thus, it looks very fancy, smooth, and creative when folded correctly. Therefore, the steps for doing it in the right manner are as follows:

  1.  First of all, keep the pocket square on a hard and leveled surface. The position of the edges must resemble a diamond. 
  2. Now, this time you need to fold the top edge to the lower one so that the corners match each other.
  3. Once done, mark the imaginary middle point and fold the top left and top right corner to that point only. 
  4. After this, you need to take the right, left, and bottom corners carefully and fold to the center. This must make all edges like a square. 
  5.  Finally, hold it up and tuck in such a way that the unfolded corner peek out. And with this you are done with your winged puff styled pocket square.

Tips for folding a pocket square to Elevate Your Look

Some of the suggestions that will make your pocket square folding more meaningful, classy, and easy are as follows: 

  • The fabric and color of your tie and pocket should not match completely. 
  • Do not mess with patterns, which means pick plain pocket squares. 
  • The fabric of the pocket square should be at least 40cm x 40cm.
  • Go with a white pocket square in case of confusion. 
  • Your fold should be according to the event and its purpose. Thus, choose formal folds for formal occasions and vice versa. 


In this blog post, we briefly explained the answer to “How to fold a pocket square.” Ranging from its meaning to significance, we discussed everything. Moreover, we also discussed five different ways to fold a pocket square and highlighted some tips to enhance the overall look of an individual. In addition to this, there are around more than 50 ways to fold a square. However, above, we shared only the most popular and classy ones, which go well with every occasion. I hope you found them easy to make and liked the styles enough to carry with your next outfit. 


Which square folds are considered formal?

A flat pocket square and one point pocket square are considered as one of the most formal styles to tuck square folds in professional events. 

What should be the size and fabric of a pocket square?

The regular size of a pocket square is considered to be around 25 cm to 45 cm. Plus, the most suited and used fabric for pocket squares is silk, linen, and cotton. However, it is completely based on the user’s preferences. 

Can a handkerchief be transformed into a pocket square?

Yes, but in case of emergency only as both of them have different purposes, fabrics, and sizes. For instance, people use a handkerchief to maintain personal hygiene, whereas they carry a pocket square just as an accessory. 

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