
How long until a tooth infection kills you

How Long Until A Tooth Infection Kills You: Causes, Symptoms, & Remedies

All of us have encountered toothache at least once in a lifetime, which may eventually turn into a tooth infection if ignored. This looks like a very easy-to-manage issue, but the irony is that it is a critical healthcare condition. Thus, it can also reach other body parts and cause severe health issues. Therefore, this leads to one of the most asked questions, “How long until a tooth infection kills you?” Hence, to answer the same, we made this complete guide covering each and every aspect of this topic. 

What is Tooth Infection?

As the name suggests, it is a dental issue caused by bacterias. It is also called dental abscess. This occurs when pus collects inside the gums, teeth, or the bone that holds the teeth in place. This condition commonly affects kids and senior citizens due to poor oral hygiene and health. 

It needs immediate consultation or visit to the doctor otherwise the issue may complicate with time. Furthermore, the tooth infection are also of three types that is periapical abscess, periodontal abscess, and gingival abscess. Here, the periapical abscess affects the tip of the teeth, periodontal abscess affects the teeth supporting bones, and gingival affects the gums. 

Common Signs and Symptoms of Tooth Infection

Below are some of the most common signs and symptoms that indicate the presence of tooth infection in an individual. Hence, to know about them specifically, read these points one by one:

Pain: Experience of excessive and unbearable pain and discomfort in the mouth.

Swelling: Sort of inflammation in the cheek, gums, or face.

Sensitivity: Sudden hit of nerve sensitivity whenever you consume anything hot or cold. 

Pus: Accumulation or collection of pus around the affected area in the mouth.

Foul odor: Very bad or rotten smell from mouth. 

Fever: Sudden chilling of the body or high fever.

Chewing issues: Problem in chewing anything and even opening the mouth. 

Note: The symptoms may vary from one person to another depending on the severity of their tooth infection. However, we mentioned almost all of the most common signs in this above mentioned list. Hence, if you are encountering any one of them, reach out to a dentist immediately and get proper consultation. 

Key Risk Factors for Developing a Tooth Infection

Some individuals are more likely to have tooth infections than others. This is because they carry the risk factors that make them an easy target for bacteria. Therefore, to know about them in-depth, read these points:

Low immunity: If your immunity is low, you may deal with the infection for a longer time. In this, the body’s stamina to fight germs or pathogens becomes almost null. 

Old age: People with older age are one of the easiest targets for bacteria to introduce infection. Thus, the infection turns into something severe and causes other associated problems as well. 

Diabetes: Those who are suffering from diabetes are also prone to tooth infections. Their lack of insulin and imbalanced metabolism in the body leads to the easy introduction of complications like these. 

Malnourished: Individuals who have experienced or experiencing any chronic health issue are also at risk to get tooth infection. This makes their body weak to fight back with these diseases. 

How Long Until A Tooth Infection Kills You?

Before learning about how long until a tooth infection kills you, let’s first decode the timeline in which the infection spreads. Now, it begins with a minor infection on the tooth or surrounding area and leads to decay, if ignored. Furthermore, it takes some time for the infection to develop more and reach the center pulp of the tooth. The case becomes more complicated if the person encounters any injury during this phase. If proper care is not given, the infection may easily spread and infect other body parts such as the heart, neck, brain, and so on. 

Hence, read the below shared points to know about those serious conditions when a tooth infection becomes the reason behind death. 

Blood clots: Formation of blood clots in the sinuses. It may also affect brain and eye function. 

Sepsis: In this, the infection spreads throughout the body and causes negative reactions. 

Necrotizing Fasciitis: This is a serious issue in which the soft tissue present in the mouth and body get damaged. 

Endocarditis: It basically swells, hits, and damages the inner walls of the heart, leading to serious issues. 

Mediastinitis: In this condition, swelling between lungs takes place, which obstructs proper breathing. 

Osteomyelitis: This introduces infection in the bones and spreads gradually all over the body.

Brain Abscess: The infection spreads into the brain and forms pus there. 

Note: Make sure to attentively show concern towards your dental issues as well and seek medical help even in the early stages to avoid complications. 

Methods to Prevent Tooth Infections

As a result, we are done with the answer to “How Long Until A Tooth Infection Kills You?” let’s learn about its other important aspects. To keep your oral health top-notch, everyone should follow some pretentious tips on a regular basis. This will not only protect them from catching infections but will also enhance their overall oral health. Therefore, to get a glimpse of them, read the below-shared points:

  • Change your toothbrush every two to three months. 
  • Clean your toothbrush stand or holder every two weeks.
  • Drink fluoridated water or use fluoride-containing toothpaste to strengthen your enamel.
  • Consume less sugar and other sweet substances to keep the bacteria far.
  • Gargle on a regular basis with antiseptic mouthwash. 
  • Eat a diet that is full of crunchy vegetables and fruits. 
  • Brush your teeth twice a day.
  • Floss your teeth at least once a day. 
  • Visit the dentist within a fixed period of time to get the checkup done. 


In this blog post, we briefly answered, “How long until a tooth infection kills you?”. Ranging from its meaning to symptoms, we covered almost everything. Moreover, we also highlighted some of the most common risk factors and prevention tips for this oral issue to keep you informed. Thus, the problem might look very common and easy to neglect, but its severity can lead to death in many cases. Hence, routine checkups on a priority basis are recommended for everyone who feels even a minor discomfort in their teeth. I hope the page answered all your queries and shared the information you wanted. 


How can I know that tooth infection is killing me?

If you are experiencing a fast heart rate, unconsciousness, extremely high fever, and rapid breathing, then take it as a life-threatening sign associated with tooth infection. 

How long does a tooth infection take to spread in the body?

In case, the tooth infection is not given proper care in the early stage of infection then it can spread to other body parts within a few weeks only. 

How to control tooth infection?

Get an immediate dentist visit and follow some precautions to control tooth infection. It includes eating less sugar, brushing twice a day, using mouthwash and floss, getting routine checkups, etc. 

Who is more likely to get a tooth infection?

Elderly people, diabetics, kids, and malnourished are some of the most easy targets for bacteria to attack and spoil their oral health. Thus, these people have low immunity and are not able to fight off the bacterias. 

How long do antibiotics take to treat the tooth infection?

A medically prescribed antibiotic takes almost 7 to 10 days to treat the tooth infection completely. However, the sincerity of completing the medication course and following precautions also matters a lot to get effective results in minimum time. 

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